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Picture of Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Ashen Perera, Sri Lanka

by Kaustubhan Srivathsan - Thursday, 31 January 2019, 3:29 PM

Thanks for the video and explanation of FRICTION Forces in the complex case of a Block placed on top of a moving Block


Picture of Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Shubham Saxena

by Kaustubhan Srivathsan - Sunday, 3 February 2019, 12:46 PM

"Thank u so much sir. Now every doubt is clear" 

for the video on Fresnel Bi-Prism

Appreciation-Shubham Saxena-3rd Feb2019




Picture of Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Mohin Mujavar

by Kaustubhan Srivathsan - Sunday, 3 February 2019, 12:57 PM

"Nice and Thanks" for the explanation of Circular Motion-Banking of Tracks.

Appreciation-Mohin Mujavar-7thJan2019 


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